
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Who am I?

I am Kara.  Formally I am Karaline Melinda.  The first name is pronounced Kara -lean.  I am named after my two grandmothers.  My paternal grandma is named Karen, thus the Kara.  And my maternal grandma is named Darline, thus the -line.  I love my name and I have yet to meet another, especially pronounced the same way.  I actually wish that people would call me Karaline, but most people cannot pronounce it.  They butcher it and call me Care-o-line or Car-a-lean or even Care-a-lean-a.  Where they got the last one I have no clue.  But do to people's lack of trying when it comes to trying to remember or to pronounce another persons name correctly, I will go by just Kara.

A little about me - I am 26 and live in Denver, CO.  I have lived here pretty much my whole life and I enjoy everything about it.  I love the mountains and the cool air at night and just about everything inbetween.  I like to do a lot of things outdoors, but love getting to come home to my comfy house when I am done.  I live with my boyfriend Aaron and his dog, Luke, and his cat, Scooby.  We are slowly remodeling bits of the house to make it a little more of our own space.  It is coming together, but takes time and money, so bit by bit we go.

For my "day job"  I am a structural engineer.  Basically what that means is that I design buildings and draw the blueprints (it is all on computers now).  I am also going back to school for my masters degree.  Time is definitely limited, but life is worth enjoying every minute of.  I will just go as hard as I can for as long as I can.  I hope that the journey will not end soon, but I am looking forward to some major turns in the near future.

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