
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Crafting Part

So I guess that up until this point you are wondering why I have a blog that is called Auntie Kara's Crafts.  Well now that you know that I am an Auntie and that my name is Kara.  The only thing that is left to explain is the crafting part.  I have grown up making things and creating things since I was little.  My mom taught me how to paint (which I am not very good at) and etch and all kinds of other stuff.  My grandma taught me how to sew, crossstitch, crochet, and how to follow a pattern.  By the time that the women in my life taught me how to do all these things they were sick of me and my constant "so how do you do this", so I had to learn a few things by myself along the way.  I taught myslef how to knit, embroider, write patterns, make jewelry, and a ton of other things.  I have really enjoyed crafting in general.  I even have a craft group, just a bunch of ladies, that get together once a month to make different crafts.  I love this stuff.  It is amazing that you can make so much with so little.

Each month that we have a craft night I will post the craft that we are doing, so that you can enjoy doing it to.  I will also show you our finished results and give you any tips and tricks that we find as we are doing it.  You can think of us as your guinea pigs if you want.  I hope that you will write me back after you have tried the craft too and let me know how it goes.

What is the old saying - "Those who can't do, teach".  Well I am changing that one up a bit and saying "Those who can't craft, buy".  I know that some people in this world are just not crafty and can't for the life of them figure out the difference between knitting needles and crochet hooks.  With that in mind I will be offering to sell my handy work to you.  On this blog I will post things that I am working on and let you know if they are for sale and for how much.  Also if you have a specific request or colors that you want I will be happy to oblige and make something custom just for you.  I will mostly be selling jewelry and yarn made goods.

1 comment:

  1. I love it Auntie... Where are the crafts? I am only one who will buy but I want to buy some from my bestest friend. I still have the picture frame you made me for HS graduation on my desk at work.
