
Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Resolutions 2012

I am starting this year off with a bang.  I am making some seriously hard goals and I am determined to achieve them. 

Resolution #1:  Lose 20 pounds.  This may sound like a lot to some of you and may sound like just a tip of the ice berg for others, but I think that this is a good goal for me.  I am 5'-4" and weight 158 pounds (as of yesterday).  I know that I am overweight and I feel it in my day to day life.  Some people may say that I look good, but like everyone could stand to lose a few pounds, but the truth is that I feel like crap.  I eat crappy and I feel like I am zapped of all of my energy all the time.  I really don't like this feeling and I think that it is more than time to do something about it.  Aaron and I are getting married this year and thinking about starting a family at some point in the future and I want both of us to be around for our children, grand children, and even great grandchildren. 

Execution:  To achieve this goal and I am going to extreme measures.  Last year Aaron and I went on a carb free and sugar free diet.  Not easy but totally doable.  We lasted about 6 to 8 weeks and then blew it when we went on a vacation.  During that time Aaron lost about 15 pounds and I lost about 10 (I have only gained about half of it back though so we are making progress!!!).  I know that we can do this and I feel confident that with a little pre-planning I should be able to stick to my goals with no problem.  The hardest part about being on this type of diet last time was that you really need to plan ahead.  You have to prepare all of your meals and snacks ahead of time so that you are not looking for convenience food when you get hungry.  The other part that sucked super bad with cutting out carbs and sugars is that you go through sugar withdrawal.  I don't drink soda or juice or eat candy or anything like that but by day three I wanted to kill someone because of the massive pounding that was going on inside my head.  The reason for it (even without the soda and candy) is that all carbs once they are ingested turn directly to sugar so that your body can use them as energy (not used they turn into fat).  And trust me you would not believe how much sugar (or sucrose) that we intake and our body cannot use.  We are pigs!!!! carb eating pigs!!!!  So I know that it is a little extreme and some of you are thinking that I have lost it and how can you live with out bread or potatoes or that daily soda, but I think that I can do it.  I have done it before and I will do it again, but this time I will step it up a notch and reach my goals.  This time I will also be adding an exercise routine in the mix.  I will tell you more about it later once I get started and wrap my head around my 30 minute daily workout.

Resolution #2:  Post weekly on my blog.  I have fallen off the band wagon a few times over the life of my blog and I am sick of it.  I find blogging fun and interesting.  I love reading what everyone else has to share and I just need to make time for my blogging buddies.

Execution:  I am a creative person so I am going to start posting new items that have to do with my crafting and etsy shop.  I am am also going to have a stream that is related to my resolution #1 and blog about what I am eating and the weight that I am losing.  Also I will post about the exercises that I am doing.  Maybe some of you will follow along and we can lose weight together by sharing pointers and motivation.

Resolution #3:  Get a job.

Execution:  Nail this interview that I have coming up at the end of this week.

I am sure that I will think of some more things that I can do to better myself, but this is what I am going to start with for now.  I can't wait to get started and kick these resolutions in the ass.  Whooohooo to 2012.

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