
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Septmeber Craft Night

Tonight is craft night and as I have promised I am going to share our craft with you.  Tonight we are making votive pumpkin candle holders.  To make these you need a variety of wine glasses in different sizes and shapes.  A great place to buy cheap wine glasses is the thrift store.  Take a look around all the breakables and I am sure that you will be able to find something. 

From the craft store you will need acrylic paints in green, orange, black and white.  You will need paint brushes (sponge ones work the best for large surface areas) both large and small.  You will also need a paint sealer for painting on glass.  You should be able to find this in the paint section, it will most likely come in an arysol can.  You can use sharpies and craft pens in black and white to do the eyes and mouth if you feel more comfortable with that.

Paint the bulb of the glass orange and the stem of the glass green.  Wait for the paint to dry completely and then decorate the faces anyway that you choose.   Place around the house to decorate and put a votive candle holder on top to bring these festive guys to life.

To put another spin on it decorate your bulb with paintings of leaves (or real leaves sealed on with mod-podge).  Decorate with straw ribbon in a pretty bow low around the stem of the glass.

Happy Halloween Everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I could come to craft nights! To bad I am always working! I will have to take a night off one of these days!
